Copyright © 2005 Kerstin





My Greenhouse


I bought my first collector sort in the year 1987, I took cuttings and tried to make the flower pass the winter in different ways. This succeded with varying results, but it still became several Pelargonium each year.


Autumn 2001 "my supply" became built and I had a space on 6 kvm and the upportunity to pass my Pelargoniums for the winter in a space with temperature 6-8 degrees and on that way it is!

As more I read about Pelargoniums as more interested I am. There are so many sorts out there!


If you like me are having pain in your back or are handicapped  in other way? 

To grow in pots is much more comfortable cause you dont have to lie on the knees cleaning weeds. A pot you can easy lift up on a suitable level when it will be taken care of.

The neighbours are wondering what I am doing with my flowers in pots. They grow and flourish. I gladly tell them that my pot plants are watered with nettlewater.

It is both fattening and prevents from vermin at the same time. I have a big water barrel field with water and I put a fistfull of nettle in there each time i fill it up.


Then it is just to water. Of course there is one disadvantage,

the water barrel with Nettles in smells awful so you need a empty corner in the garden to hide the barrel in. A corner you dont visit yourself. I have that!

There are many kinds of Pelargoniums


Geraniums Zonal

is the largest group and are known on it´s leaves that are almost round with short lobes throughout the leaves-edges.

Many also has a ring on the leaves in a different colour.  Zonalerna can be single-flowered, half-double or multi-double.

Here it is the old sorts that have been passed on from generation to generation.

Rosebudspelargonium,Eggshellspelargonium,Diversity-leaved,Dwarf and Miniature are counted in here.

They are all easy to multiply through cuttings and are easy to handle, strong growing and like it best in the sun. Most of them become about 25 cm high and new sorts are coming every year.


 Eggshellspelargonium  Speckled Geraniums

is a sort amongs Zonalerna where every crown-leaf are "freckly" with small dots looking like birdeggs.

Diversity-leaved Are mostly grown for it´s beautiful leaves, the flower is often small and insignificant. With them 2 coloured are the leaf white or creamy-yellow. With the 3 coloured it is often multiply colours than in 3 in the leaves.

Can be golden, creamy-white, red, brown on the leaves.


Unique pelargonium Fancy Leaved Geraniums

 has smelly leaves with big flowers. 


Sented pelargonium  Scented Leaf Geraniums

Have small flowers mostly white or red.

It is the leaves that smells. A light touch and the sent is spread in the whole room.

There is smells of citrus-fruit, strawberry, peach, hazelnut, mint, cocos, apple, chocolate, apricote, but even with strange smells like burn plastic, mechanical workshop or not so very nice smells like goat.  All theese are eatable in sallads or like tasting in a sugar-cake. You can even brew the on them.


Dwarfpelargonium Dwarf Geraniums

dont ge any higher than 20 cm. It has leaves and has flowers of normal size.


 Miniature Geraniums

never get any more than 13 cm high, often with very small leaves and double or single flowers.



Hanging pelargonium or- Trailing Ivy Geraniums

has hard leaves and flowers that are simple, filled, double or like small rose bouquets. Blossom from May to October. Is also as an Hybrid and Miniature-pelargonium.


Rosepelargoniums -  Rosebud Geraniums

flower looks like a bouquet of roses that never opens completly. They are sensitive for rain and should be under roof.


Starpelargonium - Stellar Geraniums

has flowers that are a bit sprawling and reminds of stars.

They often blossom very much and can stand rain well cause the small crown-leaves dry fast after some rain.

Here it is both Dwarf and Miniatures as well.


English Pelargononium- Regal Pelargoniums

has very large flowers often. They must have a cool growing-spot on the spring so they can blossom. Like it out in the sun on the summer





                                                              Webbplatsen uppdaterades 09-04-03